Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To zoo or not to zoo, that is the question...

Today we looked at some images of animals in the wild and in captivity. We discussed the pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos. What is your opinion?

1. Should we have zoos, or should all animals be left to stay in the wild?

2. Can you think of any instances where keeping animals in a zoo might be beneficial to them or their species?

3. What would a good zoo look like?

Write your comments and give us reasons that support your opinion.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Skating at Bishop's!

As part of our carnival week we got to go skating at Bishop's University. It was lots of fun skating loops around the rink!

Mr. Court's Visit

Wasn't this morning amazing?!?
Mr. Court came to our class this morning to talk to us about his passions...strongman events and powerlifting. We got to try out some of his equipment and he even squatted with some of us hanging from the bar!

In the comments section please answer the following:

a: What did you learn in Mr. Court's presentation?
b: What was the message(s) or life lesson(s) that Mr. Court had for us?
c: What are you passionate about...or interested in learning more about?

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Hop Into Interviews!

After reading about young conservationist and founder of the ACC, "Gabrielle", our roving reporters "hopped" into action and set out to interview her.

Below are pictures of our reporters/journalists with "Gabrielle".