Thursday, December 6, 2007

What is Courage?

Dear Students,

Today we discussed what it means to be Courageous (or brave). We learned that there are many ways of showing courage - it is not just about physical bravery. Using some of our new words and phrases from the classroom Wall of Courage, write us an example of bravery. (Remember courage can be about small things, like trying something new0. Don't forget to list the person or animal's name and then tell us what type of "COURAGE" they have demonstrated. Please write your response in complete sentences in the comments section.
- Mrs. Gagne

example #1
Sydney Neil: I believe this young girl showed courage when she first learned how to ride her bike. Despite her tumbles on a gravel road and a long slip into a deep ditch she never gave up! Sydney dried her tears and tried over and over again until she could eventually ride on her own. She was determined to succeed!

examle #2
Fatima: This fictional character in a novel I recently read showed bravery by thinking and taking care of others. This young girl lived in a war torn country. When she and her young infant brother became separated from her family she took charge of him, putting her needs and fears aside. Fatima even took the responsibility of another child she did not know along her journey. She was courageous, brave, kind ,patient and selfess.


sg said...

My father shows courage by working with wires and heavy metal and heavy wood as well. In fact, he has a big cut on his forehead from an i-beam.

bd4g said...

My father saved some lives in the war while he was he Bosnia for seven months.He was really brave and courageous and he is my hero.
-BD 4g

mdh said...

My aunt had cancer for six years and was still going out to bowling and playing basketball. She was almost only forty five pounds. She was brave because she had cancer for a long time and she still had a good life.
-MDH 4g

mp said...

My grand parents were brave by coming by plane from Sarajevo to Canada, to come and see me and my family.They took eighteen hours to get here.

md said...

Sylvie Fortier: I think she was brave because she has cancer and she lost her hair because of the chemotherapy. Now she has a little bit of hair. She was courageous to get by all of the horrible comments she got.

Anonymous said...

kb 4g:I think I was courageous by trying again and again. One day I tried driving a four-wheeler for the first time. I drove a bit and lost consciousness. When I woke up, I had bumped into the bush and the four-wheeler was over me. I still go riding in four-wheelers at that spot and I like that. So I think that is brave and courageous.
-kb 4g

cm said...

cm: I was riding my ski-doo with my brother. "Boom", I fell off of the skidoo. My brother sprained is ankle and I almost sprained my ankle too. But I did not and I helped him up. My dad came and we brought him to the doctor. It is brave and being a hero saving others and helping others like I did.
-CM 4g

db said...

I was brave because I saved a boy. he
almost fell out of the car and I saved him. That's why I am brave.
After that he was ok, he always
puts his set belt on now.

from DB 4g

ab said...


Igino Delasara,

He was my great grandfather who fought in World War two. He survived. That is why he is my hero and why he is courageous!

Sincerely, AB4G

jr said...

One day I went to my uncle's house. I went on his ski-doo and he got on with me. We went in the back of his house. I fell off of his ski-doo. It hurt me, but then I got back on it.

J.R 4G

sp said...

SP 4G: I think I was courageous because one day I was driving my ski-doo and I took a bump and the ski-doo flipped. My foot was stuck and it hurt but I still drive it!!
-sp 4g

kad said...

I showed courage because the first time I came to this school I was very shy. It was fun though and now I like it here.
-KAD 4g

td said...

My dad flipped in his truck on the highway around Montreal. I was about 1 year old! I was lucky to not be with him. He's still in good shape but,I still can't believe that his job is still trucking!
-TD 4g

Mrs. Gagne said...

My mom was brave when she was young. Her brother broke his arm by jumping off of a swing. My mom picked him up and walked him all the way to her house. My mom called 911 for an ambulance. She was brave to pick him up when he was bleeding a lot. When he fell it was on big rocks! I would not pick up somebody that is bleeding a lot like that. So that is brave!
Written by CP 4g

ky4r said...

My dad was brave because he had a heart attack. He is still alive but he is short on breath a lot. I like my dad and I'm happy that he is still alive.
-ky 4r

gc4r said...

My dad had super glue on his finger. So he went to the hospital to cut open his finger. He got this done without crying.
-gc 4r

kl4r said...

I find Mme. Gagne very brave because even though she broke her leg she went back skiing anyways. She is very brave.
-kl 4r

kw4r said...

I find kody wellman is courage because he make other people happy even if they don't a appreciated it.

kt4r said...

I think that my sister is brave because when she broke her finger
she had to have surgery and she came out ok. She had to wear a finger cast for a about a month and then went back to the hospital. After that her finger was crooked. She still keeps on doing everything anyway.
-kt 4r

am4r said...

My mom is courageous because when she was a kid she fell down and crack here head and she got to get a aperation and I love my mom

kl4r said...

Hi, my dad had lots of courage because he was a hockey player a goaler. He got hit in the face with a puck and never gave up. He's my hero :)
-kl 4r

hm4r said...

My grandpa is really brave because he works with sharp machines and very heavy wood.And once a peace of wire got into his skin like a needle.

jb4r said...

My sister is brave because she broke her back and she just got over it. When she went away from the hospital , oh boy she was happy! She was very brave!
- JB 4r

lgc4r said...

My Dad:I think my Dad is courageous because he landed a belly flop off of the 10m high diving board at the Bishops pool.He had red stomach for about 3 days. I believe it hurt because my mom video taped it and I heard the splat!

That is why I believe my father is courageous.


rdh4r said...

My cat was very smart and brave because he would go outside and once he stayed outside for three days. He had no food at all, but he drank the water out of the pond. Then he came back and he was all wet. Then we gave him some cat food, he is a survivor!
-rdh 4r

amcl4r said...

My cat Oscar went out for six nights once! When he went out something was chasing his girlfriend so he started to fight with something. It was a raccoon! Soon the raccoon bit him so he came home limping, but he was all right. I will never forget the night he got hurt.
-amcl 4r

ja4r said...

Once I was brave because I went to the hospital to get my blood tested because... I have no idea why!! All I know is that I had to get the blood test. And that is why I was brave.
-ja 4r

db said...

hi cm how is the ski-doo now is It ok or It is broken thank you DB

cm said...

it is not broken cm

Mrs. Gagne said...

Blogger cp4r said...

My cat showed courage by saving a bird in the snow. He dug it out of the snow. Then it flew off for the winter.

am4r said...

I think I am courage because once I broke my finger,and then I went to the hospital and then I always played sports

A M 4 R

am4r said...

I think I am courages because once I burn myself.I went to the hospital and I was shosin to go to the allstars game to play and I still played